My Journey Begins Travel is ready to assist you with booking air travel and hotel accommodations, whether for business travel, Visiting Friends and Relatives (VFR) or any other getaway.

We can even manage your frequent flyer or hotel loyalty program and help you maximize how you earn and redeem points!

Kindly fill out the Contact Form below or call us at 843-232-7554 to get started meeting your travel needs!

September 3, 2024

American Small Towns Ideal for Fall Travel

Photo Credit: Adobe Stock/nikolas_jkd St. Helena, California Photo credit: St. Helena Chamber of Commerce This charming town in the heart of Napa Valley is particularly magical […]
September 1, 2024

Dubai Delivers a Superlative Vacation Experience

A suite at the Lana, Dubai – Photo Credit: Claudette Covey Dubai’s tourism numbers continue to climb year over year and having experienced the destination firsthand, I can […]